EVERYONE is welcome to my home page, so jump on in!
Worth Quoting: "If coincidences are just coincidences, why do they feel so contrived?"--Fox Mulder on "The X-Files"
Please note...this page is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
The changes on this site occur slowly but surely, so stop by every once-in-a-while to see what's
new and what's coming.
Stuff to look forward to:
* MORE Images!!
* Poetry
* Next Month's Poll:Censoring in the Music Industry
* My ER Page!
If you'd like to be personally notified by e-mail each time this site
is updated,please message me!
Thanks again for visiting...you're visitor number:
since April 20, 1998.
This site last updated: April 20, 1998
Questions? Compliments? Complaints? Suggestions? Ideas? Just wanna say hi?
E-mail me!