Results Are In!

YOUR Responses to the Block Scheduling Survey!

Your word is out! The results of the Block Scheduling Poll have been varied and vast; most respondents were divided among themselves in an overall opinion of the system. However, many of you agreed upon whether you like or dislike certain key issues of block scheduling. Take a look:

1. On a scale of 1-5, (1 being the worst, 5 the best), what is your overall personal opinion of block scheduling?

25% of you gave block scheduling LOW marks (a rating of a 1 or a 2)

38% of you gave block scheduling SATISFACTORY marks (a rating of a 3)

and 37% of you gave block scheduling HIGH marks (a rating of a 4 or a 5)

2. Some of the reported effects of block scheduling:

63%say they do worse academically
50% say they have less free time, and
63% have more homework.

In addition, 88% have an unbalanced school year (too many academics in one semester),
88% say they have a faster school year, and
75% say an average school day is faster than normal.

3. What do you like MOST about block scheduling?
Common responses were:

  1. Less subjects to worry about
  2. Longer periods allow for more in-depth learning, especially in electives, such as Art or Computer
  3. Courses end at mid-year and you start over with a fresh set of new courses

4. What do you like LEAST about block scheduling?
Common responses were:

  1. Extra Homework
  2. Boring classes and teachers that lecture frequently for 82 minutes straight
  3. Learning at a hurried or quick pace in the academics. This includes doing more than one lesson per day, and fear of falling too far behind if absent from school.
  4. Lunch periods haven't been improved. For instance, an initial daily lunch period may still begin at 10 in the morning.
  5. For many academics, you receive an equal amount of daily work in half the time to do it.
  6. Final exams are graded cummulatively, as 25% of your final grade
Thank you for responding to this survey.
The next survey will deal with your feelings on censoring products in the music industry....Coming In May!

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